Vista PEAK Preparatory Bison Blizzard Club Gives Students the Opportunity to Experience Mountain Sports

Vista PEAK Preparatory senior Dakota Hill-Gadd grew up in Aurora, but had never been to Colorado's mountains until he joined his school's ski and snowboard club.
Called the "Bison Blizzard" (VPP's mascot is the Bison), the club gives students the opportunity to try mountain sports and for some like Dakota, their first-ever opportunity to travel west of the Denver metro area.
The Bison Blizzard is now in its third year and is helping prepare its 28 student members for some amazing experiences on the slopes. The club will host a tune-up event this afternoon where students will learn to wax skis and snowboards. The club is eyeing early January for its first skiing/snowboarding trip this school year.
Dakota has been a member of the club all three years and wants more students to enjoy the fun he's had learning how to snowboard and experiencing Colorado's high country.
In order to make its planned 4-5 mountain trips this school year, the club needs to raise $12,000. So far, through their fundraising efforts, club members have earned $2,400. The club is looking for more community support so it can continue giving students at Vista PEAK a hallmark experience of living in Colorado.