January is School Board Recognition Month! Aurora Public Schools thanks our Board of Education for the vital role each member plays in breaking down barriers so our students can engage to their fullest potential.

Our Board members represent Aurora's diverse community and come from all walks of life. A clergywoman, an elect to the 1st Chair position for the Colorado House of Representatives District 36, a law firm owner, a Colorado Department of Human Services employee, a math intervention teacher, a restorative justice coordinator and a retired educator are just a few of the many hats they wear on top of being parents and grandparents.
Although they live different lives, these everyday citizens come together to create the educational vision we have for our students. Too often, we forget about the personal sacrifices they make to govern our school district.
Board meetings are just a fraction of the time and energy our Board devotes toward leading the district. In addition to seminars and conferences, Board members spend many hours at school and community events. All of this is done on their personal time.
Although we are making a special effort during January to show our appreciation, we recognize that our Board's contributions reflect year-round effort. Please join us in letting our Board know that their hard work does not go unnoticed.
Learn more about the Aurora Public Schools Board of Education at boe.aurorak12.org.
'Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.'- Margaret Mead