There are many ways to stay involved and participate in your student's education.
At home
- Talk to your student about what they learned in school each day
- What did you learn today?
- Can you teach me something new?
- What homework do you have today?
- How was school today?

Share with me what you learned in (Language Arts, Literature, Reading, Writing, Math, History, Social Studies, etc.) today.
Show me what page you stopped on today and what you are learning about.
Would you explain this concept to me?
What is the goal of this section?
What project are you working on for school?
Don't accept "Nothing" or "I don't remember" for answers.
Help your student keep track of homework assignments, project deadlines and upcoming quizzes and tests. Posting a calendar is a good way to keep track.
Provide a specific place and time to work on school assignments. Reduce distractions such as music, television, noise and clutter.
When newsletters or other items are sent home with your student, read them together. Place dates of expected items on calendar. Schedule time to read them together.
Review report cards together. Reward your student for work well done. Encourage your student in areas that need improvement.
At School
- Attend back-to-school nights and other special events.
- Meet your student's teachers and principal.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
- Contact your school about visiting during the school day.
Online resources to help your family participate in your student's education: