Requesting Student Records/Transcripts – Currently Enrolled Students

  • Parents/Legal Guardians of a current student should contact the school the student is attending for all records.

Requesting Student Records/Transcripts – Former Students/Alumni

  • Parents/Legal Guardians of a student who has been withdrawn in the current school year should contact the last school of attendance for all records.

  • Parents/Legal Guardians of a student who has been withdrawn in a previous school year or has graduated should request records through the link below.

Ordering Process:

APS offers a convenient and secure website (currently down due to a districtwide Internet outage) for alumni, former students, corporations and government agencies to request records and verifications. All requests should be made using our online request system. Records will be emailed to the address listed on the request or you can request for the records to be mailed. 

Graduates: If you are an Aurora Public Schools graduate, you may request your transcript (official or unofficial), immunization record, ACT/SAT scores, permanent educational records, or a replacement diploma by clicking here (currently down due to a districtwide Internet outage).

Transcripts may be prepared either as official or unofficial. Please indicate the preference on your request. Official transcripts are stamped official, inserted in a sealed envelope and may only be opened by a college/business/or person of authority. Unofficial transcripts are stamped unofficial.


A fee is required for each set of records requested and the fee varies based on the request. In addition to the fee, every order will also be assessed a $5.00 Scribsoft handling fee. Method of payment is credit/debit card.

Fees are waived for active military; proof required.

Click Here to Begin the Student Records Ordering Process
Currently down due to a districtwide Internet outage.