Universal Preschool (UPK)

HB22-1295 established the Colorado Universal Preschool Program (UPK) to offer voluntary, high-quality universal preschool to every Colorado child in the year before kindergarten. High-quality preschool has demonstrated positive outcomes for children and families in the short and long-term.

How does it work?
  • All children who will be 4 years-old on or before October 1 are eligible to apply for 15 hours of free, high quality preschool in their year before kindergarten.
  • Families may be eligible for more hours based on a number of qualifying factors.
Who is eligible for additional hours?
  • Children who live in low-income families (defined as household income at or below 270% of the federal poverty level) AND have a qualifying factor of:
    • Child is homeless or unhoused
    • Child is multilingual
    • Child is eligible for special education through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
    • Child is in poverty (defined as household income at or below 100% of the federal poverty level)
    • Child is currently in the custody of a state or county administered foster care home or non-certified kinship care
How do I apply for UPK?
  • New and returning families of children who will be 4-years old on or before October 1 must complete the UPK application through the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC).
  • Families of children who will be 3 years-old on or before October 1 and who are not receiving special education services must contact the Aurora Public Schools Department of Early Childhood to enroll in preschool.
  • Families of children who will be 3 years-old on or before October 1 and who are receiving special education services must contact the Special Education Administrative Unit (AU) of Aurora Public Schools to be placed according to their child’s IEP.

Process for Enrolling in APS Preschool

Process for Enrolling 4-Year-Olds

  • Complete the APS Online Preschool Screening 
  • The UPK Application must be completed by new and returning families with students that will be 4 years old on or before Oct. 1 starting on Dec. 17, 2024.
  • Please note that UPK only guarantees funding for 15 hours for all students that will be 4 years old on or before Oct. 1. Additional hours may be awarded based on qualifying factors.
  • New 4-year-old students are required to complete the school enrollment form (your school of placement will provide you with the link to the enrollment form after your district registration approval).
  • Returning students are not required to register for the new school year. Please contact your school of placement to update your enrollment.
    • For UPK funding or eligibility questions please contact UPK at 720-845-0918.
    • Contact the ECE Department for tuition information if your family needs but does not qualify for additional preschool hours.

Process for Enrolling 3-Year-Olds

3-year-olds may be eligible for part-day preschool programming.

  • Families of children who will be 3 years-old on or before Oct. 1 and are not  receiving special education services must complete the Early Childhood Education Screening.   
  • Families of children who will be 3 years-old on or before Oct. 1 and are  receiving special education services need to contact the Child Find Department for an assignment according to their child’s IEP.

Eligibility for additional funding is not guaranteed.

To reach the ECE Department