APS Installs Seat Belts on School Buses

The APS Transportation Department has taken steps to improve school bus safety by purchasing buses that are equipped with seat belts. Beginning with the 2019-20 school year, all newly purchased buses will come equipped with lap-shoulder seat belts. Over the next ten years, we will phase out our older fleet and ensure that all new district buses have these seat belts.
The mill levy program approved by Aurora voters in November 2018 includes funding to add the school bus seat belts. Lap-shoulder seat belts are not only designed to keep children safer, but they have the added day-to-day benefits of improving behavior, reducing bullying, and minimizing driver distraction.
APS has an Expected Usage Guideline, which means that if a bus is equipped with lap-shoulder seat belts, your child is expected to use them. Lap-shoulder belts are much like the ones in your own vehicles, and easy to wear.
The Expected Usage Guideline is also included here and in student handbooks. Please be aware that the same usage guideline will apply when students ride buses equipped with lap-shoulder belts on field trips or other school-related activities.
Bus Seat Belt Safety Resources