As a parent or guardian, you want your child to get to school safely and return home in the same manner every day. At Aurora Public Schools, we assure you that safety is our number one priority, but we need your help.
Each day, more than 6,000 students ride a school bus in our district. It is important that every child who steps foot on a school bus knows how to stay safe and keep their peers safe during each ride.
To do so, it is critical that students know our safety expectations and follow the three R's of riding a school bus. Please remind your child that they must:
- Arrive to bus stop 5 minutes early
- Wait for bus out of danger zone
- Enter single file
- Know your route number
- Make safe choices at the bus stop
- Use kind words
- Follow the directions given by the bus driver and aids
- Respect the property of others
- Use classroom voices & behavior
- Stay in your assigned seat, facing front with your feet on the floor until the bus comes to a complete stop
- Keep head, feet and personal items out of the aisle. Keep the aisle clear.
- If seatbelts are available, wear them at all times
- Do not throw objects on the school bus
- Keep your hands, feet and any personal items inside the bus
- Get off at your assigned bus stop
We encourage students and parents to report any school bus safety concerns directly to the bus driver or to the APS Transportation Department at 303-326-1986, extension 28801. This practice enables Aurora Public Schools to investigate and respond quickly.
Thank you for partnering with us to ensure that each child who relies on school bus transportation gets to and from school safely and is ready to learn. We look forward to a safe and secure school year.