If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns please feel free to contact us. We are here to assist you!

Environmental Staff Member Rita Davis

Rita Davis, Environmental Compliance Manager

Rita's primary role is managing the District's environmental compliance programs. Rita's responsibilities include coordination of the asbestos, lead and chemical management programs, project management, stormwater, indoor air quality, and assessing applicability and ensuring compliance with federal, state, and local regulations and training. Rita can be reached at extension 28685 or at [email protected].

Environmental Staff Member AJ Martinez

Anthony (AJ) Martinez, Environmental Specialist

AJ's primary responsibilities include hazardous materials pick-ups such as expired medications, batteries, expended florescent lamps, etc. AJ also receives and organizes the district e-waste and prepares it for disposal. AJ's duties also include indoor air quality, water quality, lead, mold, radon and assisting with asbestos O&M. AJ can be reached at extension 28673 or at [email protected].

Environmental Staff Member Nate Lesjak

Nathan Lesjak, Environmental Specialist

Cell: 720-237-1369
Ext: 28676
Email: [email protected]

Environmental Staff Member Angie Lomeli

Angelica (Angie) Lomeli, Department Secretary

Office: 303-326-3242
Ext: 28602 
Email: [email protected]

Alex SanchezAlex Sanchez, Pest Management Technician

Cell: 720-930-1973
Ext: 28682
Email: [email protected]

Traditional Mail:

Aurora Public Schools
Attn: Environmental Compliance 
1369 Airport Blvd.
Aurora, CO 80011

Office Number:
303-367-3000 ext. 28602
