The family liaisons at the APS Welcome Center are actively involved in the APS community and develop supportive and positive relationships with families. This serves as a valuable resource in reaching out to families for increased engagement and participation in school events and for assisting in meetings with families as problems arise. Our family liaisons have attended parent coffees, back to school nights, and many other school events. The family liaisons are not district interpreters, but they do provide an excellent path to connecting families with schools as they navigate education together.
The APS Welcome Center provides academic and cultural professional development for teachers and schools who are figuring out how to best support their newcomer students. For academic development, we provide training on various pedagogical strategies to foster growth and independence with newcomer students. The staff of the APS Welcome Center finds its provenance in seven different countries and four continents. Therefore, we provide schools with cultural professional development to increase cultural awareness and sensitivity. This training prepares staff to proactively offer students a welcoming environment for academic and social growth.
Many causes lead to a possible need for a grade change with newcomer students. In many of these cases, we discover the need to consider a change during the registration interview. When a grade change is considered for a newcomer student, the Welcome Center offers to complete a brief literacy and math assessment in a student's heritage language in order to create a more complete picture of their academic proficiency. The results contribute to the body of evidence available to principals as they decide the student's grade placement.
When difficulties arise in evaluating transcripts from other countries, the Welcome Center can provide support in bringing clarity to assigning credits. We meet with school registrars to collaborate on difficult transcripts.
The APS Welcome Center offers to support teachers as they prepare lessons with their newcomer students in mind. Teachers benefit from receiving input on supports and activities. If you are interested in receiving planning support from the Welcome Center, please contact Ryan Lee.