*APS Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey and Pulse Checks*
Aurora Public Schools Parents and Guardians of Students in Grades 3–12:
In Aurora Public Schools (APS), students are valued, seen, safe and thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Key factors that contribute to a student’s well-being include having a connection with a trusted adult, a sense of belonging and the ability to manage their emotions. These factors not only help students form and maintain healthy relationships but also contribute to their academic success.
To further support our students, at the beginning of the year, APS will be conducting a voluntary, online Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey for students in grades 3–12. Survey results will help us improve students’ educational experiences by ensuring they feel seen, heard and understood.
During the remainder of the school year, the Mental Health and Counseling Department will be administering "pulse checks," which are composed of a select few of the questions that were administered during the BOY survey. These pulse checks are designed to track student responses over the course of the year for a more comprehensive view of students' perceptions of connection, regulation and belonging.
The pulse checks are composed of 5-6 questions for grades 3-12 and should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.
Please be aware that students’ email addresses will be collected to offer personalized support based on their responses. Participation in the survey is optional and students may skip any questions they don’t understand or feel comfortable answering.
Students will not receive school credit for completing the survey and there will be no penalty for students who do not participate. Instead, they will work on regular school assignments during the survey time. If you prefer to opt your child out of the survey, please print, sign and return the opt-out form to your school’s front office by Friday, Feb. 21.
Thank you for your continued support,
Aurora Public Schools
Please Click Here For Translated Survey Questions and Message