2024 Bond & Capital Mill Levy Measures 5A & 5B
The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education approved placing 2024 Bond and Capital Mill Levy measures (5A and 5B) on the November ballot during its Aug. 6, 2024 meeting. These measures would mean a no net tax increase for Aurora voters and would fund many critical new buildings, building improvements and programming opportunities for our community.
Bond & Capital Mill Levy Goals
The 2024 Bond Program is a proposed $1 billion investment aimed at improving and enhancing school facilities, infrastructure and technology across APS. It focuses on creating safe, equitable and innovative learning environments for students and staff. The Capital Mill Levy is a proposed $30 million annual tax levy dedicated to funding ongoing capital expenses such as building maintenance and smaller-scale improvements within APS. By allocating these critical capital expense dollars, this would free up general fund dollars for other crucial needs including increasing teacher salaries, mental health resources and educational programs.
New Bond Interactive Map
To inform voters about what a potential 2024 Bond Program would fund, we are pleased to share our new interactive map, which allows you to explore Destination APS. The map showcases our unique school offerings as well as the many improvements and enhancements that schools would receive pending voter approval in November 2024.

Explore the New Bond Interactive Map!