Oracle Cloud is Now Live for Human Resources
Thanks to funding provided by the district's voter-approved 2016 bond measure, APS has acquired a new and improved Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system called Oracle Cloud! We are excited to introduce this wide-ranging, cloud-based software enhancement, which APS has been planning over the past two years.
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Oracle Spotlight
Helpful Tips for Agreement for Services in Oracle Cloud
Be sure to include the following information on the AFS requisition
Include Budget as Collaborators- Please include the Budget office, either Aaron Oberg or Gina Lanier as a collaborator on requisitions for Agreement for Services, to ensure they are able to view the details on the Agreement for Services
How to report time for AFS work- The following link will help guide those with Agreement for Services on how to report their time in Oracle Cloud
AFS start dates on requisitions- When creating requisitions for Agreement for Services please include the actual start date that the employee is doing the work. This will help support in setting up the timecards for employees to report their time
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